Troy Michigan Works is an integrated one-stop offering seamless access to state and federally funded job training programs that prepare eligible youths, adults, and dislocated workers for participation in the labor force and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the nation's economy.We offer career exploration, counseling, assessment, training, and many other services that result in increased employment and earnings for job seekers.
Training/Tuition Assistance
Short-term On-the-Job (OJT) and vocational classroom training funded by the Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act (WIOA) is designed to provide dislocated workers, unemployed, and underemployed adults with career training and skill upgrades. Our Career Assistance Program provides an opportunity to work with a Career Advisor for individualized career planning/guidance, including resume review, job search support, exploring training opportunities, and interview preparation. Note: Training programs must be completed in 12 months or less. Registration is completed via email - once processed/approved; you will be able to schedule the first appointment with you Career Advisor/Planner either in-person or virtually! Click here to register.
Youth Program
The Youth Program provides opportunities such as paid work experience, on-the-job training (OJT), tuition assistance, mentoring and real life learning opportunities to eligible youths. The program stresses education and job experience as prerequisites to a successful future. For more information, click here. If you have questions or want additional information, please email or call Heather at 248-823-5136.Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)
The TAA Program provides aid to workers from Trade Certified Companies who have lost their jobs or whose hours of work and wages are reduced as a result of foreign trade. If your company is not listed in the USDOL data base, you can petition for trade certification for your company and co-workers. TAA offers a variety of benefits and re-employment services to assist unemployed workers in preparing for and obtaining suitable employment. Eligible workers may qualify for Occupation Training/Tuition Assistance, Job Search Allowances, Relocation Allowances, Health Care Tax Credits, RTAA, and Trade Readjustment Allowances (TRA).
Partnership. Accountability. Training. Hope. (PATH)
Eligibility and referral for the PATH program is determined by Department of Human Services (DHS). The program is designed to help welfare recipients find employment and resources to reduce welfare dependency and achieve self-sufficiency.